Wpływ języka rosyjskiego na słownictwo wydawanej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym w ZSRR polskiej prasy (na przykładzie leksyki dotyczącej sfery
The impact of the Russian language on the vocabulary of the Polish press published in the USSR in the interwar period (on the example of the lexis
Author(s): Tamara GraczykowskaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents lexical Russicisms related to the broadly defined agricultural lexis. The collected units were excerpted from all annual volumes of “Trybuna Radziecka” (“Soviet Tribune”), a central Polish paper published in the USSR in the interwar period (1927–1938). The thematic group «agriculture» is forms i.a. by names of agricultural works (e.g. bukierować, polewać, przeszarować, skirdowanie), names of agricultural machinery (e.g. grzebałka, łobogrejka, sianokosiłka), and names of plants and cultivations (e.g. koksogyz, raps, turneps). Thirty-seven lexemes derived from Russian were represented in “Trybuna Radziecka”. A portion of those Russicisms established themselves in Polish lexical resources in the USSR (15 words), a few of them (6 lexemes) were recorded in other parallel resources (in the Polish language of Kaunas, Moscow and Soviet Belarus).
Journal: Poradnik Językowy
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 07
- Page Range: 76-87
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF