Дигитален архив „Българско фолклорно наследство": фолклористични изследвания
Digital Archives "Bulgarian Folk Heritage" Folklore Studies
Author(s): Vanya MateevaSubject(s): Customs / Folklore
Published by: Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей при БАН
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the main results from the folklore studies on the scientific interdisciplinary project Creation and Exposition of Bulgarian Folk Heritage Fund at the Institute of Folklore at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), funded by National Scientific Fund at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science. This is a continuation of the collaborative work with the Institute in Mathematics and Informatics at BAS in modernization of the archive fund of authentic folklore materials, preserved at the National Center of Intangible Cultural Heritage (NCICH). These are the results of an interdisciplinary dialogue in mind of the digitization processes and modern requirements for constructing digital archives and libraries applied in scholarly work, education and cultural tourism. The development by the folklore studies’ team of know-how/special technology for modern organization, preservation and exposition of artifacts and documentation of folklore heritage are commented by brief presentation of the up-to-date experience in systematization, classification and archiving the folklore materials; analysis of the folklore archives and finding metadata in digitization of diverse types of documents; outlining basic parameters of description of folk artifacts; précising the Classification scheme of the folklore spheres and subjects and fixing a Matrix for their description; selection and preparation of typological collections for virtual presentation. The aim is appropriate exposition of the specific features and diversity of artifacts and texts in their systematic relation revealing the complex and multilayer structure of folklore heritage. The folklore studies determine the conceptual model of the content and structuring of the digital archives Bulgarian Folk Heritage – foundation of specialized studies in software and data protection. They contain implicit contributions of generations of scholars in folklore studies as cultural heritage, tradition, current practice and specific everyday communication. Digitization of cultural heritage is priority in a global context. The study is nationally significant, and its extension and perfection is required by including more resources of research. The achievements can be a foundation to create a unified network to preserve the intangible cultural heritage and virtual presentation of significant artifacts and collections in the European and world context.
Journal: Български фолклор
- Issue Year: XXXVI/2010
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 11-29
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF