“Where there was once the Party’s Regional Committee”. Is there a common memory of the city? Cover Image

„Tam, gdzie kiedyś był Komitet Wojewódzki”. Czy istnieje wspólna pamięć o mieście?
“Where there was once the Party’s Regional Committee”. Is there a common memory of the city?

Author(s): Maciej Kowalewski
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: collective memory; city; ethnomethodology; oral history

Summary/Abstract: The author asks in the article whether common narrations and common memory of the city are possible. A laboratory example of reconstructed memory is the qualitative interview during which a city’s history is presented. The purpose of the article is to examine if common-sense geography can “glue together” the dispersed memory of the city. Recalling a city’s past, pointing out the important places and landmarks may act as confirmation of common meanings and other interactive methods, such as the et cetera principle, described by ethnomethodologists [Garfinkel 1967, Sacks 1972, Cicourel 1984]. These problems are discussed with evidence from research project “Witnesses of December 1970 in Szczecin”, carried out according to the methodology of oral history.

  • Issue Year: 60/2011
  • Issue No: 2-3
  • Page Range: 343-364
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Polish
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