Social media in Romania: left wing or right wing? The case of the 2009 presidential campaign: Blogs and Facebook
Social media in Romania: left wing or right wing? The case of the 2009 presidential campaign: Blogs and Facebook
Author(s): Antonio MomocSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Accent Publisher
Keywords: social media; new media; political communication
Summary/Abstract: Facebook was first used by the political candidates in a presidential campaign in Romania in 2009. Social media and web 2.0 changed the way people were interacting, so the politicians had to adapt their communication to these social changes. Politicians reacted mechanically to the fact that in the past years more and more Romanians started to use social media. The aim of the article is to explain how the Romanian politicians acted in response to what happened in the online communication: did the left wing or the right wing candidates use social media to convey electoral messages? Did the left wing or the right wing radicals communicate using social media? To analyze the political speech, the content analysis method was applied on the posts in the electoral campaign on the personal blogs and on the official Facebook accounts of the candidates. This study answers the question on whether the Romanian left wing or right wing adapted its communication faster to the online environment during 2009 presidential campaign.
Journal: Journal of Media Research - Revista de Studii Media
- Issue Year: 5/2012
- Issue No: 13
- Page Range: 79-95
- Page Count: 19
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF