A review of: Stanisław Mędak, 2007, In the world of Polish language. A coursebook of Polish as a foreign language, Kielce Cover Image

Recenzja: Stanisław Mędak, 2007, W świecie polszczyzny. Podręcznik do nauczania języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców, Kielce
A review of: Stanisław Mędak, 2007, In the world of Polish language. A coursebook of Polish as a foreign language, Kielce

Author(s): Anna Synoradzka-Demadre
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Stanisław Mędak; “In the world of Polish language. A coursebook of Polish as a foreign language”; “W świecie polszczyzny. Podręcznik do nauczania języka polskiego obcokrajowców”; C2; glottodidactics; Polish language

Summary/Abstract: The author presents a review of the coursebook by Stanisław Mędak “In the world of Polish language” designed for the C2 level. Having presented achievements of the author both in a field of research and glottodidactics, the author of the article discusses the coursebook content and its evaluation. Main advantages of the reviewed book seem to be: adequate selection of texts, informations systematizing and increasing knowledge of Polish language, references to suitable bibliography. Main disadvantages are: lack of recordings, grammar exercises given only on CD, and paperback edition.

  • Issue Year: 1/2008
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 249-251
  • Page Count: 3
  • Language: Polish
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