Instrumenty wspierania lokalnej polityki energetycznej zgodnej z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju
Support instruments for local energy policy compatible with sustainable development principles
Author(s): Joanna GodlewskaSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: sustainable development; energy policy; local government
Summary/Abstract: The realisation of local energy policy can be supported by a package of planning, economic, organisational and educational instruments. The goal of the article is the presentation of possibilities of using different types of instruments by local governments to conduct their energy policy, which is compatible with sustainable development principles. Taking planning instruments into account the most important for the future is energy plan, which possibilities are not fully used and not appreciated by local governments. Cooperation in the form of associations or unions of local governments of communities is an important organizational instrument. The ecological education is the most effective instrument in the area of increasing the ecological awareness.
Journal: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 318
- Page Range: 178-187
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Polish