The Strategy of Low-Emission Economy Development at the Local Level Cover Image

Strategia rozwoju gospodarki niskoemisyjnej na szczeblu lokalnym
The Strategy of Low-Emission Economy Development at the Local Level

Author(s): Joanna Godlewska
Subject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Instytut Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur
Keywords: strategy; local development; low-emission economy; local government;

Summary/Abstract: The article aims to indicate the impact of climate change on socio-economic development of local government units, the perception of these changes by local communities and to indicate their level of interest in combating climate change. The applied research method is an analysis of documents and literature. The conclusions of these studies lead to the statement that it is necessary to take into consideration the climate change in programming local development. In practice this means that the local communities need programmes of low-emission economy development. This will bring not only environmental benefits, but also social and economic ones. The article belongs to the category of review article.

  • Issue Year: 1/2013
  • Issue No: 6A
  • Page Range: 116-124
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Polish
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