Look at the Sacrum of Yugovo (“Zdravichki” demonic characters in the culture of the village Yugovo, the Middle Rhodopes. Archive of ‘Ongal’ 1997-2004) Cover Image

Поглед към сакрума на Югово (Демоничните персонажи „здравичките“ в културата на с. Югово, Средните Родопи. Архив „Онгъл“. Записи от периода 1997-2004)
Look at the Sacrum of Yugovo (“Zdravichki” demonic characters in the culture of the village Yugovo, the Middle Rhodopes. Archive of ‘Ongal’ 1997-2004)

Author(s): Rossen Malchev
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ОНГЬЛ

Summary/Abstract: In the following pages of the collection of articles “Ethnology and demonology” there are unpublished terrain materials of the archive of ‘Ongal’ Association (1997-2004) which presents the concepts and beliefs about “zdravichki” and their places for habitation. As well as it presents their cultural activity this is connected with the paying tribute to them, their participation in rites from the calendar-ritual and life cycle of the village community of Yugovo. The texts are published without editorial intervention. Their titles are working and they are selected by their recorders. The personal information of the informants is published with their own permission.