Pagyvenusių žmonių nuomonės apie mokymąsi vėlyvesniais gyvenimo metais bei poreikių mokytis tyrimai
Investigation of Older Adult Views on Learning in Old Age and Assessment of Learning Needs
Author(s): Marijona Barkauskaitė, Vidmantas Alekna, Viktor Gribniak, Elena ČeremnychSubject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: older adults; learning abilities; analysis of needs
Summary/Abstract: The paper analyzes the factors having an impact on views of older adults on learning in old age. Analysis of older adult needs to learn has been carried out. Relations between learning needs and personal health have been shown. The possibilities of using data gathered during discussions of focus groups for improvement of training curricula have been discussed. The data on learning needs of listeners at the Third Age University (TAU) have been presented. Objective. To explore views of older adults and elderly on learning abilities in old age; to assess learning peculiarities and priorities; to analyse possibilities to satisfy learning needs in TAU. Methods. The views and opinions of older adults were studied at focus groups according to guidelines provided by Steering Group of WHOQOL-Old Program. The Department of Gerontology of Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine at Vilnius University is a partner in a multi-centre research study of WHOQOL-Old on the quality of life of older adults. Learning needs of older adults were assessed by analysing forms completed in 1995 and 2003 by TAU listeners. Conclusions. The basic principle of improving learning of ageing people is a freedom of choosing studies they are interested in. Special training programs in conformity to specific life and health situations have to be created for older adults and elderly. Fitting of training curricula to real needs of the elderly is of outmost importance. These matters should be given more considerations by educologists. In an acceptable way to older adults more information has to be collected on their learning needs.
Journal: Pedagogika
- Issue Year: 2004
- Issue No: 73
- Page Range: 148-153
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Lithuanian