Żydokomuna. Szic do socjologicznej analizy źródeł historycznych
Żydokomuna [Yid-Communism]. Outline of Sociological Analysis of Historical Sources.
Author(s): Anna ZawadzkaSubject(s): Jewish studies
Published by: Instytut Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Summary/Abstract: The term Jewish Bolshevism although taking on mostly hidden forms, is still present in Polish public life and in popular circulation. One of the fields constantly referring to it is contemporary Polish historiography, functioning in the anti-communist paradigm. That very paradigm, crucial to current historical politics, is also the basis for supporting the vitality of the term Jewish Bolshevism. The aim of the following article is to follow through the threads which arose during the research carried out on the history of that term as well as on the ways the term has been used. On the basis of my “investigation” I reconstruct the set of assumptions, inexpressible and beyond discussion, which are the basis of not only anti-Semitic but also anti-communist inference. Apart from discourse analysis I also take up the issue of social and political causes of the involvement of people of Jewish origin in prewar left-wing and communist movements
Journal: Societas/Communitas
- Issue Year: 2009
- Issue No: 08 (2)
- Page Range: 199-244
- Page Count: 46
- Language: Polish