Propozycje programowe nurtu socjaldemokratycznego opozycji politycznej w Polsce w latach osiemdziesiątych XX wieku
Programme proposals of the social-democratic political opposition in the 1980’s Poland.
Author(s): Marcin KluzikSubject(s): History
Published by: KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA Sp. z o.o.
Keywords: Polish People’s Republic; the political opposition in communist Poland; socialism; social democracy; the Polish Socialist Party (PPS); Communism; independence; democracy; capitalism
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents programme proposals of the social democratic (socialist) fraction of political opposition in Poland in the 1980’s, and especially its organized part. This fraction’s programme was inspired by the ideas and traditions of Polish independence and democratic socialism, symbolized by the pre-war PPS. The paper discusses selected issues raised by the Polish socialists in order to briefly show the programme proposals developed by this fraction of political opposition.
Journal: Sowiniec
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 45
- Page Range: 103-117
- Page Count: 15