The “Niepodległość” Liberal Democratic Party. Ideology, agenda, activity Cover Image

Liberalno-demokratyczna partia „Niepodległość” Idee, program, działalność
The “Niepodległość” Liberal Democratic Party. Ideology, agenda, activity

Author(s): Marcin Kluzik
Subject(s): History, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
Published by: KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA Sp. z o.o.
Keywords: Liberalno-Demokratyczna Partia „Niepodległość”/The Liberal Democratic Party “Niepodległość”/“Independence”; anti-communist opposition in the Polish People’s Republic; anti-communism; independence

Summary/Abstract: The Liberal Democratic party “Niepodległość”/“Independence” was a radically anti-communist party and its aim was to overthrow the communist regime and make Poland an independent country, for the party had no doubt that other elements of its agenda could be realised only after Poland achieved independence. Its uncompromising anti-communist stance made the party reject the agreements made at the Round Table. The LDPN advocated political and economic liberalism, combining it with an attachment to a conservative and Christian canon of values.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 46
  • Page Range: 53-67
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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