“Past is an infinite set of possibilities”: Siegfried Zielinski in conversation on anarcheology of media Cover Image

„Przeszłość jest nieskończonym zbiorem możliwości”: rozmowa z Siegfriedem Zielinskim o an-archeologii mediów
“Past is an infinite set of possibilities”: Siegfried Zielinski in conversation on anarcheology of media

Author(s): Siegfried Zielinski, Konstanty Szydłowski
Subject(s): Media studies
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Summary/Abstract: Interview with Siegfried Zielinski by Konstanty Szydłowski A conversation with Siegfried Zielinski, German media scholar, concentrates mostly on his definition of media in the context of German and international discussion. Zielinski talks about the relationship between technical aspect of the medium with an artistic potential and the influence on social change. What is the meaning of the material dimension of the medium of the message for communication and artistic production? How does the aesthetics of information function? Taking a critical stance at the utopia of emancipatory influence of technology, he points to the positive character of the collaboration between the representatives of science, humanities and arts.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 227-242
  • Page Count: 16
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