The significance of endogenous resources for the development of Wrocław Metropolitan Area – chosen aspects  Cover Image

Znaczenie zasobów endogenicznych w rozwoju Wrocławskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego – wybrane aspekty
The significance of endogenous resources for the development of Wrocław Metropolitan Area – chosen aspects

Author(s): Agnieszka Krześ
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: local development; endogenous resources; Wrocław Metropolitan Area

Summary/Abstract: More and more attention is paid to the local development due to the progressive accumulation of knowledge and financial capital in economic development. Local development is a process which involves the local scene actors: local authorities, residents and entrepreneurs and it aims to improve the living conditions of the population, rational use of resources and economic growth. There are two groups of factors of local development: exogenous factors, which cannot be influenced by local scene actors and endogenous, which may be influenced by the local authorities or community. The economy of poviats of Wrocław Metropolitan Area is highly diversified in terms of socio-economic growth. This diversity may be an obstacle or an asset in the development of Wrocław Metropolitan Area. It is necessary to create functional and transport connections between poviats, as well as to create a common development strategy for Wocław Metropolitan Area. This paper aims to analyze the importance of endogenous resources for the development of Wrocław Metropolitan Area.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 391
  • Page Range: 275-283
  • Page Count: 9
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