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Integrarea platformelor e-learning în activitatea didactică
The integration of e-learning platforms in the teaching activities

Author(s): Teodora Daniela CHICIOREANU
Subject(s): Music
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: e-learning; Moodle e-learning platform; education; virtual environment; technology; research

Summary/Abstract: In education, a teacher who wishes to keep up to speed with the latest developments in certain fields cannot stay out of new technologies facilitating it. Thus, by using the information syndication, updated information can be obtained on a certain topic or from a certain site. By using social bookmarking, on-line Internet resources can be withheld, classified, localized and shared, depending on the individual needs and interests. If you wish to initiate a collaborative activity or a virtual conference, WEB2.0 dedicated-applications can be used. All these technologies can be easily integrated with the classes, as course materials posted on e-Learning platforms, thus allowing the students to access these materials through the new technologies. Do the teachers and students use these technologies during their daily activities? The present paper shows the measure in which the teachers, as well as the students use the eLearning platforms (Moodle) in their personal and professional activities. The data generated by the statistical processing (sample size: 350 higher education teachers and 250 students) indicate that the eLearning platforms contribute in particular and various ways to the elaboration/finishing of the personal teaching style. The educators are thus stimulated to use innovative teaching strategies, which enhance the sensitiveness and receptiveness of the new information, as well as increase the stimulation, imagination, enthusiasm indices, changing the teacher-student dynamics and raising the level of student involvement in shared activities and increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

  • Issue Year: VI/2015
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 07-17
  • Page Count: 11
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