Religious practices in the Bulgarian private companies  Cover Image

Религиозни практики в българските частни фирми
Religious practices in the Bulgarian private companies

Author(s): Ivanka Petrova
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей при БАН

Summary/Abstract: In the last 20 years religion as well as the small private entrepreneurship in Bulgaria has simultaneously experienced a remarkable revival. Religion, mostly restricted to the private sphere in the preceding historical period, has turned into a significant factor in society. In Bulgaria, as well as in other postsocialist countries, almost everywhere in the public sphere favorable conditions are created for unlimited religious practice contributing to an increase of its social significance and stabilizing the presence of church in society. The economic reforms provide opportunities for developing the private business initiative and very soon the small enterprises expand considerably in the national economy. In the present article I intend to uncover possible connections between the two social phenomena – the rise of religion and private business activity and interpret them in ethnological perspective. The author’s research is focused on several touching points and mutual influences between entrepreneurial activity and the Orthodox religion. Through the example of two small Bulgarian companies from Sofia, the author presents these practices which are now part of the working lifestyle and are directly related to the Orthodox faith and attitude to the church institution. The author’s interest is directed towards clarifying the reasons for imposing religious practices and then revealing the functions they have. At the same time the author attempts to find the answer to the question what is the value and place of the Christen faith in the working everyday lifestyle of the companies and what significance is attributed to the regiolious practices by the owners and employees.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 58-70
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Bulgarian
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