Relacje międzygatunkowe, biologiczność ciała i polityka krwi. Nagie życie nieludzkich istot popkultury
Interspecies Relationships, Biological Aspect of Body and Blood Politics. Bare Life of Nonhuman Pop Culture Creatures
Author(s): Ewelina TwardochSubject(s): Cultural history
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: biopolityka; nagie życie; potworność; hybrydyczność; istoty nieludzkie
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the paper is to introduce nonhuman creatures and nonhuman universes presented in popular culture in the context of assumptions related to biopolitics and Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s category of “bare life”. The author considers three main dimensions of biopolitics that are crucial in the nonhuman worlds: the process of shaping the structures and socio-political systems, which replaced a solitary life of nonhuman beings, development of medical technologies, and biological visions of the body. According to the author, the most symptomatic to the functioning of biopolitics among the nonhuman universes is the phenomenon that she called “the blood politics”. Blood is understood as a biomedical product that has multiple functions and socio-political applications (from magic potions that change the species belonging, through the artificial “pure blood”, to psychoactive substances). In the paper examples from popular culture, but mostly from movies and television series are considered.
Journal: Przegląd Humanistyczny
- Issue Year: 450/2015
- Issue No: 03
- Page Range: 47-57
- Page Count: 11
- Content File-PDF