The fascinating worlds full of vampires, aliens and a fairy-tales creatures. About the irrationality annexed by television (series) Cover Image

Fascynujące światy pełne wampirów, kosmitów i postaci baśniowych. Czyli jak telewizja (serialowa) zaanektowała irracjonalność
The fascinating worlds full of vampires, aliens and a fairy-tales creatures. About the irrationality annexed by television (series)

Author(s): Ewelina Twardoch
Subject(s): Customs / Folklore, Media studies, Communication studies, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej
Keywords: popular culture; television; post­networked TV; series; irrationality; monster series;

Summary/Abstract: The main goal of the article is to show how the modern television productions (so called “post­networked TV”), mainly American television series, use the potential of irrationality. The is­ssue of irrationality is really interesting topic of the popular culture world. Television (under­ stand as a ‘networked television’) as a part of pop culture, however, seems to be the one area of actual explosion of irrationality. The article considers the extent to which irra­tionality forms TV show’s worlds that their com­ponents can be considered irrational just as a lot of series creatures (vampires, zombies, aliens, etc..). The article also focus on the meaning of irrationality referring to television, on the proc­ess of making irrational worlds rational and on the viewers reactions of receiving the irration­al content present in the series (posts on blogs, forums, activities fansite). The important part of this essay is also to an­alyze the selected series (such as Six feet under, True blood, Lost girl) in terms of irrationality.

  • Issue Year: 36/2013
  • Issue No: 02
  • Page Range: 82-93
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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