Violence And Victimization Among High School Students: Effects Of Testing Period, Gender, Class And School Achivement  Cover Image

Насилништво и виктимизација код ученика средњих школа: ефекти периода испитивања, пола, разреда и успеха
Violence And Victimization Among High School Students: Effects Of Testing Period, Gender, Class And School Achivement

Author(s): Bojana Dinić, Valentina Sokolovska, Dušan Marinković
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Универзитет у Нишу
Keywords: peer violence; victimization; forms of violence; high school students; urban area

Summary/Abstract: This study aimed at examining different forms of violence and victimization among high school students, including relevant factors such as testing period, gender, class and school achivement. The sample included 947 high school students of which 489 were examined in 2013. and 458 in 2014. year. Students were from the second, the third and the fourth class of different high schools from urban city. Peer violence and victimization was measured by Peer Violence and Victimization Questionnaire (PVVQ). Results showed that verbal violence forms are the most dominant in peer violence and victimization interactions. Further, increase of all forms of violence and physical victimization was obtained among younger students. While male students are more prone to direct forms of violence and more suffer from physical violence, in the case of suffer from relational violence gender difference should be consider in the context of school achievement and testing period.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 617-630
  • Page Count: 14
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