Constantin Brâncoveanu and the Byzantine Epinoia
Constantin Brâncoveanu and the Byzantine Epinoia
Author(s): Adriana CîteiaPublished by: Editura Universitară & ADI Publication
Keywords: epinoia; attitude; identity; community; makrothymia; parepidemia; optimism; mentality; parakme; punishment
Summary/Abstract: In the Christian tradition the martyric model was a stimulus of the spiritual life, it has ensured the cohesion of the Christian community, and was the source of a lifestyle inspired by Christ the Savior, Apostles and Saints, and the source of a modality of considering and understanding one’s relation with himself and with the others - epinoia. In the Christian thinking, epinoia is closely related to makrothymia, a neotestamentary noun which designates the Christian virtues: forgiveness, kindness, humbleness, and depicts the Christian’s attitude to the world, the ability to endure any trial not with resignation, yet with hope. The decline of Byzantium- parakme was motivated by the mentality of the Turks, sins of the Christians and punishment of God. Ducas thus explains the elements defining the Byzantine epinoia. Epinoia – the Byzantine mentality thus maintains, throughout the centuries, its neotestamentary meaning, of traditional way of thinking, political and religious attitude funded on the Christian identity.
Journal: International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication
- Issue Year: 4/2015
- Issue No: 01 (SI)
- Page Range: 49-54
- Page Count: 6