Folklore notion of the Song from Dospey village, Samokov region  Cover Image
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Фолклорни представи за песента от с. Доспей, Самоковско
Folklore notion of the Song from Dospey village, Samokov region

Author(s): Vesselka Toncheva
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ОНГЬЛ

Summary/Abstract: The text presents the two-part singing from Dospey village, Samokov region, (which according to its musical characteristics belongs to the singing diaphony from the Middle West Bulgaria) from the viewpoint of the native singers – how the diaphony is rationalized in the folklore musical consciousness – and also from the viewpoint of the researcher who „comments” these notions. In this text the singers from Dospey „speak” and I complement their concept with the scientific positions on the two-part singing in several main aspects – Dospey`s two-part singing in the context of the Bulgarian diaphony; the folk terminology of the voices in the two-part singing; the learning of the two-part singing; spatial placement of the singers in the two-part singing; antiphony in the two-part singing; essence of the two-part song structure from Dospey.

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