Mobility of Students as a Function of Higher Education Reforms Cover Image

Mobilnost studenata u funkciji reforme visokog obrazovanja
Mobility of Students as a Function of Higher Education Reforms

Author(s): Jasna Bošnjović
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Univerzitet u Sarajevu
Keywords: mobility; Higher Education European Area; European Union; international cooperation

Summary/Abstract: The Bologna Declaration which introduces the term European Higher Education Area was signed on 19/06/1999 in the city of Bologna as a common declaration of 20 European Ministers of Education. Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Declaration on 18/09/2003 in Berlin. All Western Balkan countries are countries are Bologna Declaration signatory countries. Basically the idea of creating the European Higher Education Area is the harmonization and recognition of higher education systems. According to the Leuven conclusions (the 2009 Ministerial Conference), by the year of 2010 the joint degrees should become general practice. Also, the European Commission on behalf of the EU community strives to have by 2020 the 20% of the total number of students who acquire their academic degree in European Higher Education Area, participating in mobility. B&H is not entitled to participate in the largest program by which the European Commission funds mobility – the Erasmus. The state has an obligation to establish a national agency for mobility and to make payment of national contributions in order to have their higher education institutions entitled to participate in mobility and thus engage more actively in the European Higher Education Area. Higher education institutions are left to random effects and have difficulties to achieve on their own participation in mobility and thus to provide its students, teachers and associates to have a part of their study program spent away from home institution. The question is when we will be entitled to participate in the Erasmus program and thereby abolish the barriers in front of our students to move freely throughout the European Higher Education Area for which they are indeed very capable, as shown in all competitions to which they apply. Prior to the war, University of Sarajevo had more than 800 foreign students. That number today is significantly lesser. There are no Incentive measures by government authorities to encourage the strengthening of internationalization in terms of increasing the offer of courses in English, strengthening the capacity for accommodation of foreign students. The University of Sarajevo has been participating since 2008 in the Erasmus Mundus program, through which students, teachers and associates implement the stay at over 30 partner institutions from EU member states. By its own efforts and outstanding commitment in this area, the University of Sarajevo got qualified to participate in any project that has been approved since 2008 to date.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 65-72
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Bosnian
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