Udział Tygodnika Katolickiego „Niedziela” w pogłębianiu rozumienia odnowy liturgicznej Soboru Watykańskiego II
The Participation of the Catholic Weekly “Sunday” in Deepening Understanding of the Liturgical Renewal of Second Vatican Council
Author(s): Paweł MaciaszekSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Uniwersytet Opolski
Keywords: Catholic Weekly “Sunday”; Liturgical Renewal; Second Vatican Council
Summary/Abstract: The chosen topic about the participation of the Catholic Weekly “Sunday” in deepening understanding of the liturgical renewal of Second Vatican Council was presented using the example of the following publications: Pope’s General Audiences, The Liturgical Supplement, Saint of the Week, In the Care about the Development of Liturgical Spirituality, VIII Eucharistic Congress in Archdiocese of Czestochowa, Bear Witness of Priests to the Eucharistic Year. The analysis of the content of these publications shows that the mass media can also be used as a means of caring for people and for their earthly as well as eternal life, which is signalized in the teaching of the Church. The shape of people’s lives is dependent on the way they experience the liturgy. Their sacramental and liturgical lives can influence their daily life if they understand more accurately the Vatican II — renewed celebrations. Therefore, understanding the worship of God requires constant instruction and education. The article also points out the ways in which the Catholic Weekly “Sunday” helps the faithful to celebrate the worship of God:— to benefit the most from God’s Word people need not only to have the access to those texts but they also need to understand them (hence printing the Biblical readings with explanatory commentaries);— encouragement for the lay faithful to also say the everyday prayers, which is made easier thanks to the instructions how to use the book of the Liturgy of Hours (hence giving the volume and page numbers);— prior access to biblical readings makes it easier for lectors, psalmists, cantors and commentators to prepare better for the service;— using the texts of prayers and about them makes the lives of the faithful spiritually richer and influences their everyday choices;— in the church year much time is devoted to the worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary and saints; learning about their life and actions helps to understand that their worship is valid as a way to express Jesus Christ’s redemptive deed and the glory owed to God.
Journal: Liturgia Sacra
- Issue Year: XIX/2013
- Issue No: 42
- Page Range: 433-446
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF