Rodzice chrzestni (Godparents) i opiekunowie duchowi (Sponsors) w Kościele anglikańskim (Church of England)
Godparents and sponsors in the Church of England
Author(s): Paweł MaciaszekSubject(s): Biblical studies, Systematic Theology, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Keywords: Anglican Church; godparents; baptism;
Summary/Abstract: The role of Godparents is to speak on behalf of the infant being baptised during the baptism service itself and to support the parents in bringing the child up as a Christian within the family of the Church, so that that they will confess the faith for themselves and come in due time to confirmation. In order that they can fulfil their role Godparents need be able to make the declarations and promises in the baptism services, which is why the Church of England requires all Godparents to be baptised themselves and normally to be confirmed as well. That is also why it is not possible for a member of another faith to be a Godparent. Those who are baptised as infants normally have to have at least three Godparents. At least two of them have to be of the same sex as the infant and one has to be of the opposite sex. If it proves impossible for there to be three Godparents it is possible for a baptism to take place with one Godfather and one Godmother. Parents can be Godparents to their own children providing there is at least one other Godparent as well. Those who are older when they are baptised have sponsors rather than Godparents. The role of the Sponsor is not to speak for the person being baptised, but to formally present them for baptism and to help them in their growth as Christians after they have been baptised. There need to be at least two and preferably three Sponsors and they are chosen by the candidates for baptism themselves. Like Godparents they need to be baptised and normally also confirmed. As a Godparents, they have a special role. It’s about helping a child to come to know God, encouraging them in their spiritual life and supporting them in their membership of the local church. Godparents will be expected to be attend the child’s baptism, where they will make promises to help to bring them up in the Christian faith. It’s a role that will develop over time, as their godchild grows up and develops their own faith. The most important gifts godparents can give their godchild are their time, presence and prayers, but they will probably also want to mark the baptism or confirmation by giving a special gift. Godparents don’t have to buy expensive gifts. A simple, meaningful present is a good choice – maybe something to be used at the baptism, or a gift to be kept for later.
Journal: Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
- Issue Year: 19/2010
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 171-184
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish