Tak, Ojcze. Chrystologia modlitwy w ujęciu Josepha Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI
Yes, Father. Christology of prayer according to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
Author(s): Jerzy SzymikSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Teologii
Keywords: Christology; prayer; adoration; obedience; the Holy Trinity;the Eucharist; Church; Mystery; existence; capax Dei; salvation; piety
Summary/Abstract: Ratzinger shows christological specifi city of Christian prayer against the background of the universal phenomenon of prayer based on existential imperative of human transcendental search for sense and longing for the Other. First of all, it consists not so much in the specifi c spiritual practice as a moral duty, as it has an ontological source. Jesus convinces of that on the pages of the Gospel, when He reveals the very essence of intertrinitary relations in His man’s prayer (both in its content and form) to His Father. The essential relationship between love and submission, adoratio and proskynesis, expressed by the filial communion with the Father’s will, also in the time of death, is a salutary ‘yes’ for us of God’s promises and defi nes what human piety actually is. Christian prayer consists in participating in the prayers of Jesus and – as such – it constitutes the foundation and essential experience of the Church.
Journal: Teologia w Polsce
- Issue Year: 9/2015
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 5-21
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish