Všeobecný občanský zákoník v habsburské monarchii roku 1811
The General Civil Code in the Habsburg Monarchy in 1811
Author(s): Marie MackovaSubject(s): History
Published by: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Summary/Abstract: The General Civil Code, published for the non-Hungarian area of the Habsburg monarchy in 1811, belonged in those days to the most progressive norms revising civil law in Europe. The monarchy was in a (very) complicated situation and was exhausted by the long-lasting war. The Financial Patent must have been published in spring 1811. It changed significantly the economic situation of all inhabitants. In the context of that time, the Financial Patent was more noticeable than the new Civil Code. Nevertheless, the impacts of the changed civil law were apparent in the very next period. The most visible changes could have been found and proved among wealthier classes in their everyday lives. The new Civil Code was not accepted as a crucial legal norm which was going to change lives of the inhabitants of the monarchy in those days. However, de facto it was happening in praxis: it was changing gradually according to the specific life situations of inhabitants which required legal proceedings.
Journal: Historica Olomucensia. Sborník prací historických
- Issue Year: 2011
- Issue No: 40
- Page Range: 53-63
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Czech