Hanza-városok a Balti-tenger keleti részén
Hansa towns east of the Baltic Sea
Author(s): Ilgvars MisansContributor(s): Julia Derzsi (Translator)
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Middle Ages, 13th to 14th Centuries
Published by: Korunk Baráti Társaság
Keywords: Baltic culture; Riga; Reval (Talinn)
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the ethnic aspects of the population of medieval Riga and Reval (since 1917: Tallinn). The ethnic and economic realities of these Hansa cities also exemplify the situation of other Hansa towns of historic Livonia: Dorpat/Tartu, Pernau/Pärnu, Wenden/Cesis, Wolmar/Valmiera etc., as well as in present-day Estonia and Latvia, or Viipuri/Vyborg (Finnish-Swedish town, currently situated in Russia). Founded mostly in the early 13th century, these towns had an important German population, mixed with indigenous Estonians, Latvians and immigrant Swedes (in Reval and Wyborg), or Russians (in Riga). In time, the Germans became the leaders in international commerce, obtaining stronger influence in local administration and over the guilds. Population in these towns spoke different languages – and experienced mutual cultural influences.
Journal: Korunk
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 04
- Page Range: 28-35
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Hungarian