"The Creative Power for Improving the Individual, Family and Social health": Visiting Nurses against infant mortality and poverty, between social... Cover Image
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Строителната сила за подобрение здравето на индивида, семейството, обществото: Сестрите посетителки срещу детската смъртност и бедността, между...
"The Creative Power for Improving the Individual, Family and Social health": Visiting Nurses against infant mortality and poverty, between social...

Author(s): Kristina Popova
Subject(s): Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Societal Essay

Summary/Abstract: Visiting nurses (public health nurses) were a important institution in the time of the introduction of biopolitical measures against infant mortality and social deceases. They were female professionals who were trained to observe living conditions of the poor families in order to introduce hygienic norms. The first visiting nurses in Bulgaria (trained in the Bedford School London) started their work in the 1924 in the first children health stations in Sofia. The article analyses the documents , correspondence, reports, articles and other publications of representatives of this first generation. The aims of the article are to reveal the importance of this profession in the female professional development in the time after the WWI as well its importance in the struggle against infant mortality in Bulgaria.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 31-64
  • Page Count: 34
  • Language: Bulgarian
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