Comparative analysis of liquidity ratios of bankrupt manufacturing companies
Comparative analysis of liquidity ratios of bankrupt manufacturing companies
Author(s): Sebastian TomczakSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Prague Development Center
Keywords: Bankruptcy; integrated models; liquidity; manufacturing
Summary/Abstract: Permanent monitoring of the financial condition of the market increases the chances of survival of the company among of increasing competition in the market. Integrated models are used in the evaluation of corporate bankruptcy. The author has analyzed five liquidity ratios (which have a predictive characteristics) of bankrupt and operating companies in the manufacturing sector in the period 2007-2012. In order to reflect changes in the financial condition of the examined companies, the author has analyzed the above-mentioned indicators during the year prior to bankruptcy. This article has attempted to designate the range limit of the liquidity ratios, below or above which there is over liquidity or the lack of liquidity in the manufacturing sector. The limit values were established for three analyzed indicators. However, for two liquidity ratios it was difficult to specify its limits values because of its positive values (caused by selling fixed assets by insolvent companies).
Journal: Business and Economic Horizons
- Issue Year: 10/2014
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 151-164
- Page Count: 14
- Language: English