Из „Нови схолии към един подразбиращ се текст“
From New Scholia to an Implicit Text
Author(s): Nicolás Gómez DávilaContributor(s): Stefan Dimitrov (Translator)
Subject(s): Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Political Essay, Societal Essay
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: science; technology; education; spirituality; religion; humanism; authenticity;
Summary/Abstract: The characters in the work of Nicolás Gómez Dávila are modern man and the progressivist, who are possessed by the superficial spirit of inauthenticity among the topoi of mediocrity, technology as strongly related to the spiritual downfall resulting from a moral-intellectual dementia, literature seen through the eye of the superb connoisseur, language, art, the reactionary, who is a loner in the field of ideas, images and events, proletarians, bourgeois, revolutionaries, socialists and democrats, presented in the masquerade of liberal devastation of personal freedom, the believer and Catholic standing amidst the waves of modernity that advance upon Christianity.
Journal: Философски алтернативи
- Issue Year: XXV/2016
- Issue No: 6
- Page Range: 34-46
- Page Count: 13
- Language: English, Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF