Dictionary of associations as a tool in preparing a linguistic and culturological commentary Cover Image

Słownik asocjacyjny jako narzędzie przygotowania komentarza lingwokulturologicznego
Dictionary of associations as a tool in preparing a linguistic and culturological commentary

Author(s): Joanna Orzechowska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: linguistic-culturological commentary; dictionary of associations; socio-cultural competence;

Summary/Abstract: A person who learns a foreign language should get acquainted with associations of the studiedwords since they belong to the (passive or active) lexicon of the representatives of the culture ofthe studied language. Word associations which are stored in the memory (consciousness) of everyrepresentative of any language and culture are registered in the dictionary of associations as anassociative norm. Learners of Russian are able to get to know such associations through mini-texts appropriately chosen by their teachers (poems, songs, riddles, fixed expressions, proverbs). Such texts constitute a linguistic-culturological commentary which allows learners to “immerse” themselves inthe Russian reality and culture, which is the main assumption of any teacher of Russian as a foreignlanguage who adheres to the trend of applied linguistics and culturology. Classes when the described commentary is used help students to develop their socio-cultural competence, which in turn should prevent a cultural conflict during intercultural communication. It seems that in the next decade the attention of teacher trainers will be focused on this aspect of teaching.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: XX
  • Page Range: 229-236
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Polish
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