Texts about St. Katherine in Croatian Literature from XIV– XVIII cent. Cover Image

Tекстове за св. Екатерина в хърватската книжнина от XIV– XVIII в.
Texts about St. Katherine in Croatian Literature from XIV– XVIII cent.

Author(s): Simeon Stefanov
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Croatian Literature, Philology, Translation Studies
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: Greek hagiographic tradition of texts about St. Katherine; Latin hagiographic tradition of texts about St. Katherine; Croatian vitaes of St. Katherine; genres

Summary/Abstract: The presented paper offers list of texts about St. Katherine, Alexandrian virgin and martyr, in Croatian literature, written in common Croatian language in XIV–XVIII cent. The paper starts with information about this saint in Greek and Latin cultural tradition. Croatian texts are ordered by genres. Common information about content of each of them is given.

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