Notes on isocolic structures in vita of St. Katherine from the end of 15th century, written in Croatian vernacular Cover Image

Върху изоколните структури в житие на Св. Екатерина от XV в. на народен хърватски език
Notes on isocolic structures in vita of St. Katherine from the end of 15th century, written in Croatian vernacular

Author(s): Simeon Stefanov
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Philology
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: vita; Croatian vernacular; rhetoric; isocolon

Summary/Abstract: The paper presents some stylistic peculiarities of vita of St. Katherine from the end of 15th, written in Croatian vernacular. The author reveals one mode to create rhythm in spectated text. It is in the use of isocolic structures of the type tonic isocolon or isotonic colon. The author makes juxtaposition with supposed Latin examples.

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