Aspecte morfosintactice ale versiunilor româneşti din Aforismele lui A. Schopenhauer. Clasa gramaticală a adjectivului Cover Image

Aspecte morfosintactice ale versiunilor româneşti din Aforismele lui A. Schopenhauer. Clasa gramaticală a adjectivului
Aspecte morfosintactice ale versiunilor româneşti din Aforismele lui A. Schopenhauer. Clasa gramaticală a adjectivului

Author(s): Cecilia-Iuliana Varlan
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Ovidius University Press
Keywords: translation studies; German philosophy; Romanian language; linguistic analysis; adjectives.

Summary/Abstract: The present paper emphasizes the difficulties in translating philosophicaltexts in general, with a special interest in Romanian translations of German philosophicalwritings. The focus was set on one of the late works of Arthur Schopenhauer, [Aphorisms]On the Wisdom of Life, and on its Romanian translation, with the purpose of contrastivelyand diachronically analysing the various existent versions of the translation and theirinfluence on the development of the target-language (Romanian).The types of analysis which have been used in our research are description andcontrastive typology. Various versions of the Romanian translation of the Aphorisms havebeen compared with the original text and with one another, in order to diachronically analysethe translation methods and strategies that have been used in the process of transposing theGerman original text into an adequate Romanian one. The linguistic analysis concentrated onthe grammatical class of adjectives and had the purpose of understanding the way variouselements of this word class corresponds with their Romanian equivalents and of drawingconclusions regarding a possible typology of translation strategies used for them.

  • Issue Year: XXVII/2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 613-624
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Romanian
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