Aspects of the ethnic and political identities and othernesses in the Balkans during the Byzantine domination (1018-1185) Cover Image

Ipostaze ale identităților și alterităților etnice și politice din Balcani în timpul stăpânirii bizantine (1018-1185)
Aspects of the ethnic and political identities and othernesses in the Balkans during the Byzantine domination (1018-1185)

Author(s): Ginel Lazăr
Subject(s): History
Keywords: Basil II; Asens; Bulgarian-Vlach

Summary/Abstract: The two centuries between the conquest of Basil II the “Bulgar-slayer” and the revolt of the Asens (1185) were for the Bulgarian-Vlach world, which was under Byzantine domination, a period during which political stability alternated with a necessity to re-dimension the ethnic identity under the patronage of the Bulgarian state tradition. The period we are referring to is a sinuous and antagonistic one, which provoked in the Byzantine Empire a series of revolts that emerged in the Balkan world. The rebellions that broke out during this time-span had different causes and characteristics and questioned the very strength of the Imperial domination in the Balkans. The centrifugal movements, especially those arisen among the Bulgarians, had a national, anti-Byzantine character, aiming to proclaim the leader of the revolt “Tsar of the Bulgarians”.

  • Issue Year: 1/2014
  • Issue No: 26
  • Page Range: 7-27
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Romanian
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