An Overview of the Waffen-SS Units and Establishments in the Slovenian Territory During World War II Cover Image

Pregled enot in ustanov Waffen-SS na Slovenskem med drugo svetovno vojno
An Overview of the Waffen-SS Units and Establishments in the Slovenian Territory During World War II

Author(s): Klemen Kocjančić
Subject(s): Military history, Political history, Fascism, Nazism and WW II
Published by: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino
Keywords: World War II; Waffen-SS; World War II in Slovenia; People's Liberation War; Third Reich;

Summary/Abstract: The article offers an overview of the Waffen-SS military units and establishments operating both in Slovenia and beyond its borders, where they came in contact with the Slovenian partisans. The Waffen-SS units did not participate in the April War in Slovenia; at the first stage of the occupation (1941–1943), there were only a few of them present in Slovenia; however, at the second stage of the war (1943–1945), their presence in Slovenia became a regular occurrence. The Waffen-SS units were present in the entire Slovenian territory, ranging in size from companies up to and including corps.

  • Issue Year: 56/2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 183-195
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Slovenian
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