Polityczne doświadczenie obrazu. O "Obrazie krytycznym (obrazie krytyki)" Georgesa Didi-Hubermana
A Political Experience of the Image: On Georges Didi-Huberman’s ‘Critical Image/Image of Criticism’
Author(s): Andrzej LeśniakSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History, Philosophy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Epistemology, Political Theory, Recent History (1900 till today), Politics of History/Memory, Politics and Identity
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: visuality; image; politics; criticism
Summary/Abstract: In ‘Critical Image/Image of Criticism,’ Georges Didi-Huberman presents the phenomenon of negative dialectics as a turning point in the entire philosophical tradition. According to this new interpretation, negative dialectics allows us to rethink the image as a critical instance. The French philosopher offers a commentary on Adorno’s concept, but he also outlines a vision for a critical practice at whose centre we have images of a practice that goes beyond the dichotomy of engagement and non-engagement. Images provoke strong affective reactions, allowing us to define our own position with respect to reality, and this is why they can be said to enable politically meaningful experiences. Didi-Huberman’s attempt to relate visuality and politics is consistent with the ever more urgent necessity he sees, across his output, to think about the political as an essential horizon for intellectual activity.
Journal: Teksty Drugie
- Issue Year: 2016
- Issue No: 5
- Page Range: 376-383
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF