Myślenie plastyczne. Mediacja techniki w sztuce według Pierre’a Francastela
Visual Art Thought. The Mediation of Technology in Art According to Pierre Francastel
Author(s): Andrzej LeśniakSubject(s): Philosophy, Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: anthropology;image;Francastel
Summary/Abstract: Texts by Pierre Francastel, the French sociologist of art, are precursors of important contemporary models of thinking about art. Such ideas as art conceived as the place of thought, the expansion of the perception of art by including the anthropological dimension, and questioning the limits of art have become quite obvious. In accordance with the thesis proposed in this article these types of elements of a breakthrough in reflections on art (summed up in the article on the joint conceit of “visual art thought”) were devised by Francastel thanks to tackling the interpretation of relations between art and technology. The French sociologist wished to understand the way in which art, predominantly Modernism, makes it possible to understand technical progress and modernity as such. With this purpose in mind he questioned the limit of the discipline of history and postulated studies whose object were to be mutual relations between parallel developing cultural practices.
Journal: Konteksty
- Issue Year: 323/2018
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 25-31
- Page Count: 7
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF