Job preferences of software experts Cover Image

Предпочитания на софтуерните специалисти при търсене на работа
Job preferences of software experts

Author(s): Alexandra Stetinska, Irina Zinovieva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology
Published by: Институт за изследване на населението и човека - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Software experts; job preferences; information technology; job search; career; software industry.

Summary/Abstract: Software industry is one of the leading sectors in the global as well as in the regional economy. It offers high remuneration, good working conditions, and appealing career prospects. Nevertheless, there is a tendency for growing shortage of software experts, which is a double edged sward - being a challenge for the companies but providing growing labour market power to the available experts. In view of the high practical importance of the matter, the present study focuses on the job preferences of information technology (IT) experts. We first develop a questionnaire for measuring job preferences (Cronbach alphas above .80) and then apply it to 239 IT experts. Both structure of the preferences and the relative weight of each one are discussed. Based on the results, wе offer some ideas for attracting software experts.

  • Issue Year: 18/2015
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 107-112
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Bulgarian
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