Postatheism and Fidelity Cover Image

Postateizam i vjernost
Postatheism and Fidelity

(non)possibility of secular history of religion

Author(s): Željko Škuljević
Subject(s): Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of History
Published by: Udruženje za filozofiju i društveno-humanistička istraživanja “Eidos”
Keywords: postatheism; secularity; religion; God; modern / postmodern; homo integralis; philosophy; fidelity;

Summary/Abstract: This title is related to the topic of Postmodernism and Religion of the First Issue of the Ελδοςα (Journal of Philosophical and Social Research) whose birth is expected at the end of 2017 in Zenica Polis. The ambiguity of the title of the paper (inspired by work of a philosophical-sociological friend from Munich) is simply an urge to ask about possibility of secular belief or religious secularism.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 13-18
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Bosnian
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