For a Vision of the Philosophy of Economics Cover Image

За једно виђење философије економије
For a Vision of the Philosophy of Economics

Author(s): Branko Balj
Subject(s): Ethics / Practical Philosophy
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: neoliberal economy;neoliberal way of life;philosophy of economics;reactualization of Marx's thought:more humane community

Summary/Abstract: There are many reasons for a vision of the philosophy of economics, but the main cause/reason rests in the neoliberal way of production of life which reaches its peak in schizoid capitalism (Deleuze-Guattari). Considering that the neoliberal economy was conceptualized by Hayek and Friedman in the manner of repression of the social justice by the “market justice” with unforeseeable socio-economic and social consequences, here arises a question/problem of the reactualization of Marx’s thought in dimensions of reification and exploitation in contemporary conditions. Harmonization of the social and market justice requires reactualization of the relation between economics, morality, politics and right, with the purpose of searching for a more humane way of production of human life in community/society.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 27
  • Page Range: 141-155
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Serbian
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