The study of the effectiveness of combined use of Cortexin and physical exercises in optimization of the functional system of human statokinetic stability Cover Image

Исследование эффективности сочетанного применения кортексина и физических упражнений в оптимизации функциональной системы статокинетической устойчивости человека
The study of the effectiveness of combined use of Cortexin and physical exercises in optimization of the functional system of human statokinetic stability

Author(s): Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Sorokina, Leonid Gennadievich Buynov, Nikolai Nikolaevich Plakhov, Roman Idelevich Aizman
Subject(s): Individual Psychology, Health and medicine and law
Published by: Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет
Keywords: Statokinetic stability; Computer stabilography; Functional status; Professional performance; Cortexin;

Summary/Abstract: Introduction. Fundamental and applied research in the field of optimization of the functional system of human statokinetic stability to date is one of the leading positions in the Russian and world physiology of work. The aim of the research is to study the effectiveness of the course using of a peptide bioregulator Cortexin in combination with physical exercises with the help of a modified test by A. I. Yarotsky in increasing of human statokinetic stability. Materials and Methods. The sample consisted of 28 healthy male subjects aged between 20 and 22 years. (The experimental group included 17 subjects, the control group consisted of 11 subjects). The method of continuous cumulation of Coriolis accelerations (CCCA) was used in order to stimulate the vestibular apparatus in the experimental group. To increase statokinetic stability, cortexin was used in combination with active training with the help of a modified test by A. I. Yarotsky (MTY). Results. It is shown that the subjects of the experimental group treated with Cortexin in combination with MTY demonstrated increased time of CCCA. Simultaneously, decrease in the severity of vestibulosensory, vestibulovegetative, and vestibulosomatic reactions was observed which indicated the improvement of subjects’ statokinetic tolerance in the experimental group in the test CCCA. Positive dynamics of indicators in the experimental group was confirmed by the data of the static stabilometric test in the integrated functional computer stabilography. Thus, tests with open and closed eyes showed marked decrease in the rate of increase in the length and area of statokinesigram, oscillation amplitude (OA), and projection of the total center of gravity (PTCG) in the frontal and sagittal planes, and the coefficient of asymmetry (CA) in the frontal and sagittal directions. Conclusions. The obtained results allow to recommend using a peptide bioregulator Cortexin in combination with physical exercises to stimulate the human vestibular apparatus and improve statokinetic stability.

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