The Construction of the "nation" in the discourses of Fidesz between 1998 and 2006  Cover Image

A nemzet fogalmi konstrukciója a Fidesz diskurzusaiban 1998 és 2006 között
The Construction of the "nation" in the discourses of Fidesz between 1998 and 2006

Author(s): Ildikó Szabó
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: MTA Politikai Tudományi Intézete

Summary/Abstract: This paper studies the law pertaining to political parties in Hungary, Poland and Russia, from the viewpoint of establishing and maintaining of political pluralism. In the period of 1989-1990, the transition from the one-party system to the democratic and pluralistic state based on law could also be followed up and the legal and constitutional rules of parties are eminent examples of thesafeguards of political pluralism. The paper reviews the concept of the political party according to the constitutional law, the normative framework of functioning and the regulations of the internal organization of political parties. The provisions of primary importance concern: a) equality of political parties, b) forbidden purposes and instruments, c) rules of incompatibility, d) state subsidy. Rules concerning the internal organization require the openness and the prevalence of democratic will also inside the political parties, in order to contribute to the maintenance of the democratic competition of political parties. The author emphasizes the factors that determine multiparty systems, and argues that electoral thresholds and the effective method of state-financing of political parties contest the principle of equality and harm fair competition. Thresholds and subsidy are both based on the effectiveness of political parties and thus are capable of preventing the party system and the parliament from fragmentation, nonetheless, they prefer extensively, if not unconstitutionally, the political parties already in parliament, hence they can be seen as being designed to protect the current political elite and not a competitive and renewing party pluralism

  • Issue Year: 2007
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 129-159
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: Hungarian
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