The creation of man in God’s own image from Origen’s perspective. The contribution to hope of apocatastasis Cover Image

Stworzenie człowieka na obraz i podobieństwo boga u orygenesa przyczynek do nadziei na apokatastazę
The creation of man in God’s own image from Origen’s perspective. The contribution to hope of apocatastasis

Author(s): Krzysztof Kamiński
Subject(s): Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Biblical studies, Hermeneutics, Ontology
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Keywords: Origen; creation; rational beings; freedom of will; apokatastasis;

Summary/Abstract: Origen attempts to interpret the biblical texts about the creation. The crucial words for him are those saying that God created man in His own image. The creation of man in God's own image guarantees him involvement in God. A rational being, even in all contingency of its being, regardless of its limitations (particularly resulting from sin) is allowed to divinity and can develop in it by reason of Jesus Christ. Rational beings may become gods, of whom Psalm 82 says (Ps 82, 6), and whose deifying will only be fulfilled in everlasting life, as the divinizing will develop into perfect likeness in image. Thus, the involvement in God is a dynamic term – the image aspires after a certain connection with the model and then regenerates it. The perfect fulfillment of the likeness would be apocatastasis. The doctrine itself is the subject of hope of universal salvation, and not exactly a doctrinal certainty.

  • Issue Year: 18/2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 99-114
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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