Artists work at university. The professional situation of artists employed at non-artistic faculties (illustrated with the example of persons working at the University of Białystok): Marzanna Morozewicz and Dorota Świdzińska interviewed by Joanna Sac Cover Image

Artyści na uniwersytecie. Sytuacja zawodowa twórców zatrudnionych na wydziałach nieartystycznych (na przykładzie pracowników Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku). Marzanna Morozewicz i Dorota Świdzińska w rozmowie z Joanną Sacharczuk
Artists work at university. The professional situation of artists employed at non-artistic faculties (illustrated with the example of persons working at the University of Białystok): Marzanna Morozewicz and Dorota Świdzińska interviewed by Joanna Sac

Author(s): Marzanna Morozewicz, Dorota Świdzińska, Joanna Sacharczuk
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Visual Arts, Higher Education , Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Keywords: visual arts; music; drama; film; artistic education; parametrization; artists-educators

Summary/Abstract: The conversation focuses on the current professional situation of visual artists, musicians, film makers and dramatists employed at non-artistic faculties of universities, illustrated with the example of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Białystok. The texts discusses the difficulties these artists experience, as well as the needs and expectations of the University as their employer. The goal of the interview is to describe the professional situation of artists employed at non-artistic faculties before and after the introduction of parametrization of scientific output. We will point to the problems that may arise in their jobs, resulting from the fact that artistic work at non-artistic faculties is not subject to parametrization. We will outline the differences between artistic work and research work and we well enumerate the benefits of artistic education of students at non-artistic faculties.

  • Issue Year: 8/2017
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 67-83
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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