How Might Have Democritus Replied to Theophrastus’ Objections Concerning Vision? Cover Image

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How Might Have Democritus Replied to Theophrastus’ Objections Concerning Vision?

Author(s): Irina Deretić
Subject(s): Philosophy, Epistemology, Ancient Philosphy
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: Democritus’ theory of vision;Theophrastus’ objections;εἴδωλα;athoms;wax analogy

Summary/Abstract: In this paper, Democritus’ account of vision is critically discussed taking into account primarily Theophrastus’ De sensibus. I endeavor to demonstrate that Democritus used the other explanatory model of perception apart from the causal and materialistic. There is a testimony suggesting that Democritus employed the mathematical knowledge in order to elucidate some aspects of vision. Furthermore, the explanatory value of the wax analogy is discussed in detail. Despite Theophrastus’ well thought out criticism, the author’s intention is to demonstrate that Democritus created the sophisticated and advanced theory of vision, which can be successfully defended from Theophrastus’ objections.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 28
  • Page Range: 143-156
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: English
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