The Mediating Role Of Positive Affectivity In Relationship Between Personality And Performance Cover Image

Örgütsel Yaşamda Kişilik ve Performans İlişkisinde Pozitif Duygusallığın Aracı Rolü
The Mediating Role Of Positive Affectivity In Relationship Between Personality And Performance

Author(s): Yasemin Kaya Harmanci
Subject(s): Economy, Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Orhan Sağçolak
Keywords: Personality; Positive Affectivity; Performance;

Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the mediating effect of positive affectivity in relationship between big five personality characteristics (extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, opennessto experience, emotional stability) and behavior (task performance, contextual performance). Questionnaire was used as data collection technique in survey. The questionnaire was responded by 457 participants of the Industrial Zone in Kayseri with convenience sampling method. People evaluated self-report about own personality, affect and performance. The data was examined with Pearson correlation, regression and mediated regression analysis. Mediated regression was used to test the hypotheses related to the constructs. According to the results of regression analysis that is displayed mediating effect of positive affectivity in relation between personality and behavior, there is mediating effect of positive affectivity in relationship between conscientiousness and task performance, contextual performance. Also, there is mediating effect of positive affectivity in relationship between openness to experience and task and contextual performance.

  • Issue Year: 10/2018
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 321-341
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Turkish
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