The Nonverbal countenances of the Christian identity of the Conditions of the Early Muslim conquest (at Rila novel at Vladislav Gramatik) Cover Image
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Невербални изражения на християнската идентичност в условията на ранно ислямско завладяване (По данни от „Рилска повест” от Владислав Граматик)
The Nonverbal countenances of the Christian identity of the Conditions of the Early Muslim conquest (at Rila novel at Vladislav Gramatik)

Author(s): Grigor B. Grigorov
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ОНГЬЛ

Summary/Abstract: Carrying the relict body to st. Ivan Rilski of Tarnovo in the Rila cloister in 1469 is fi rst religious and historic act of Bulgarians in Turkish Empire after the lesion of Bulgaria. The event is reported by Vladislav Gramatik. In text of the writing have indirect information on the standing of the Christians and their interrelations with the Muslims. The article hears motions to a body the smells and the adept that are made by the Christians with the goal read their religions. The article browses the change in the Bulgarian religious aesthetics in 14 and 15 the centuries.

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