Art as a (mis)Understanding Cover Image

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Art as a (mis)Understanding

Author(s): Jana Sošková
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Aesthetics, Hermeneutics
Published by: Spoločnosť pre estetiku na Slovensku a Inštitút estetiky a umeleckej kultúry Filozofickej fakulty Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
Keywords: fine art; understanding; misunderstanding; reception; aesthetic quality; artistic quality; art as an objective; art as a means of something;

Summary/Abstract: he author considers arts (on the axis between the author-work-perceiver) as various forms of understanding and misunderstanding at the same time. The misunderstandings have several causes (cultural, religious, political, social, personal, artistic, aesthetic) and complicate or transform the way of perception and understanding of artworks and produce what the author calls "hushing" or shading aesthetic and artistic qualities of the work. The inability of recognize aesthetic qualities of an artwork complicate its aesthetic effect on the recipient and causes various forms of hostility towards art as a creation and against specific works of art and their authors.

  • Issue Year: 5/2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 38-45
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Slovak
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