S. K. Langer's Concept of Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics of Art Cover Image

Koncept filozofie umenia a estetiky umenia S. K. Langerovej
S. K. Langer's Concept of Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics of Art

Author(s): Jana Sošková
Subject(s): Aesthetics
Published by: Spoločnosť pre estetiku na Slovensku a Inštitút estetiky a umeleckej kultúry Filozofickej fakulty Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
Keywords: S. K. Langer;E. Cassirer;L. Wittgenstein;Ch. S. Peirce;A. N. Whitehead;N. Goodman;A. C. Danto;analytic philosophy;analytic aesthetics;aesthetics of art;philosophy of art;symbol;sign;signi;

Summary/Abstract: Based on the analyze of S. K. Langer ́s work, the author points out to her philosophical thinking principles that became the basis of her art concept. This American woman philosopher forms one of the American aesthetics posts. The author is going to depict the connections between Langer ́s philosophy of art and her „aesthetics of art“ , being conceptually completed by her students, e. g. N. Goodman, A. C. Danto and others. The author is also going to pay a special attention to Langer ́s understanding of meaning in comparison with E. Cassirer, L. Wittgenstein, Ch. S. Peirce and A. N. Whitehead, who formed the theoretical background of her considerations. Towards the end itself, the author is going to show the possibilities of Langer ́s aesthetics applied on the 20th century art.

  • Issue Year: 4/2015
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 85-92
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Slovak
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